Biden’s Diminished Capacity

 It should be clear by now that Joe Biden is not operating at full speed. At a fundraiser for his campaign, it appeared he froze and needed to be led off stage by Barack Obama

Naturally, the White House denies these allegations and says that this did not happen. The only problem, it’s on video. 

This isn’t the first time he froze. Last week he appeared to be moving very slowly, almost like someone who suffers from late stage Alzheimer’s. 

Now, the DNC and the GOP have scheduled a debate between Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, suspiciously ahead of the official party nominations. Rumors are circulating that Democrats are watching closely with plans to have him step aside if he does poorly at this debate. No one knows who they would replace him with, but many people speculate it could be California Governor Gavin Newsom.  Making a change from an incumbent president this late in the game is unprecedented, but many are eager to see how this will play out.